Affordable and Easy LED Night Flying
Hello Fans, I came across an affordable and easy setup for night flying, specifically meant for planes that have a hollow airfoil, such...
Revised VTO V2 is Awesome!
Hello fans. I have revised the VTO plans. I wanted to create something with a longer wingspan, and yet lighter weight, and I wanted to...

Airframe for the CreativeRCutah F-35 EDF!
This jet has HUGE control surfaces! I will set it up first on Elevons only, then add in Ailerons... should be very acrobatic! Very large...

CreativeRCutah PowerGlider Prototype!
This is going to be an awesome platform! I call it the powerglider because it has a huge wingspan, it will have the ability to carry some...
CreativeRCutah VTO scratch built homemade rc plane vertical take off in back yard
CreativeRCutah VTO scratch built homemade rc plane with vertical take off in the back yard! This little plane is a blast! I was flying in...

CreativeRCutah scratch built rc jet D-16 Drone test flight!
I took this new design out for a second "test spin" today... took it up to the "point of the mountain" flight park and threw it off the...

CreativeRCutah scratch built homemade rc jet evolution
Here is the Evolution of CreativeRCutah.... showing the improvements from the first original designs of the F-22 and F-15, and the future...

CreativeRCutah scratch built rc jet F-15 WingCam offers great video!
I have collected some nice video via the HD Wing Cam from hobbyking.com on my CreativeRCutah scratch built rc jet F-15. I love this...

New Revised Plans! CreativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet F-22 Raptor
New Revised Plans! CreativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet. F-22 Raptor. Easily draw designs onto the foam board with a pencil, erase as...

New Revised Plans! CreativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet. F-15 Eagle.
New Revised plans! CreativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet. F-15 Eagle. #creativercutah #scratchbuiltrcjet #f15eagle