scratch built rc jet

CreativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet Lineup - This page is meant to give a breakdown of each plan design and the advantages of each!
CreativeRCutah F-15 - The F-15 is an airframe designed towards speed! For those of you who are looking for speed, you will love the F-15! Clocked in at 78 mph with the basic setup/3s battery, this jet will keep you on your toes! Swept back wings help with the speed, and yet the simple elevon control surfaces make this jet easy to control even at high speeds. Also, this jet airframe was built with strength in mind. I have had many crashes with very limited damage... even nose dives wich only dented the first 1-2 inches of the nose.
CreativeRCutah F-22 - The F-22 has the swept back wings, but a much larger wing area than the F-15. It is still very capable of high speeds, but due to the wing area, it will also fly like a kite! Larger wing area means more wing loading. Large control surfaces... add Ailerons and this can be a very acrobatic jet! Fly with Elevons only, and it is still fairly acrobatic!
CreativeRCutah VTO - Very simply put, the VTO is meant for Vertical Take Off! In addition, as you can see from the videos, this is a simple, easy to fly plane which feels like a surfer playing in the waves when flying slowly, but almost looks and feels like an A-10 when flying fast. You can fly on either a 2s or 3s (2200mah 2s or 1800mah 3s). This is a very light weight plane, and an average wingspan and so you can still get fairly good speeds, and unlimited vertical! I am now modifying it to add rudders to see if this can also hover, making it a 3D plane! Plans coming soon after completing testing.
CreativeRCutah PowerGlider - The PowerGlider is truly the best option for a beginner. This is a slow flying plane with many advantages that are ideal for a beginner: 1) The parts are all easily replaceable and removable! The main wings are attached together by a wooden spar and rubber bands. The nose and tail boom are attached to the fuselage with barbeque skewers. This makes it incredibly easy to recover from a crash as you are able to only replace the damaged portion of the wing, or the nose, etc. 2a) Large wing area and plane! This is ideal for beginners, the larger the plane in general, the easier it is to keep your orientation, and little bit heavier plane and setup will make it easier to handle the wind. 2b) Large wing makes for good Aerial Video and FPV! The larger wings and planes also makes it easier to carry more weight. The PowerGlider is capable of sustaining normal flight at UNDER 1/2 throttle, even while carrying a GoPro! Also, a larger plane allows you to fly with slower movements and flying to higher heights which are both a plus for aerial video and FPV! 3) Flexibility - The design of the movable tail boom and nose also allow for the wings to sit further forward, or more towards the middle of the plane... and moving the tail boom and nose allows for different center of gravity points and areas for battery placement! In fact, in my current setup, I didn't even have to use an additional piece of velcro to secure the battery, when I fly with the GoPro, I simply secure the nose and tail boom in a way so that the wing is closer to the nose, then if I fly without the GoPro, I secure the barbeque skewers so that the wings are closer to the middle of the plane... and the performance and flight characteristics are very similar in either setup! 4) Propeller is protected - A huge advantage in flying a trainer/beginner plane vs. a glider is that with the usual glider, the propeller is mounted behind the tail edge of the main wing, providing protection of the prop.... a trainer plane with the motor/prop mounted on the nose will usually require more expenditure of funds on replacing props! More testing is required, plans coming soon! 5) Sport Wing - Last, as you become more familiar with the 3 channel glider, you can easily add Ailerons/servos to the glider wing and upgrade it to a 4 channel, or you can build a new sport wing (shortened flat wing) with ailerons, or even just cut off the ends of your existing wings to make it a sport wing, or build 2 different wings and swap it out as easily as taking off the rubber band and plugging in the servos to the receiver! The wooden spar is not glued into place, and so you can reuse it with each wing as your flying style changes! 6) Add landing gear! Because this plane has a large wingspan and powerful setup, it can take the weight! Easily add 2 stationary wheels to the front, and a third steerable wheel on the back attached to the rudder and practice your take off and landings!
CreativeRCutah All Terrain Plane: This plane is my new favorite. As the name implies, it can be flown off snow, water, grass, sand, etc. Gives you the ability to drive it around without requiring a runway or wheels. This plane can be very acrobatic, or it can be a simply stable flyer great for FPV or aerial filming. The twin motors and large wing loading offer the ability to really load up the weight. You can fly long with a large 3s 3300mah, or fly light and really have fun with 3D hovering capabilities. Instructions for this one also include suggestions for how to waterproof your electronics.