scratch built rc jet

Why CreativeRCutah?
In short (... more like in depth), here are the advantages to CreativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, scratch building my designs vs buying store bought crap that will drive you out of this hobby!
1) Cost effective. With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, foam airframe can be built out of $3-4 of foam. Compare that to much more expensive replacement kits (full store bought kits are minimum $50) or parts for store bought jets, and also take notice to how many store bought jet parts are hardly ever in stock. They promise parts support, etc. but let me tell you that I have waited for more than a year for a fuselage or a nose cone! With my scratch build design, you can build anything you need as quickly as you can pick up the foam locally…. And you don’t have to pay $10 in shipping and handling for a $5 piece of foam to replace a broken wing!
2) Strength. With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, and my build instructions and plans, this jet has more strength than store-bought epp or epo foam. With the method and materials I am using in my scratch build designs, your jet can take a crash MUCH better than a store bought jet. I have purchased online store bought crap from some of the major online retailers that had limited instructions… usually in broken English… which didn’t explain the vital things I needed to know before a first flight, and therefore I crashed within less than a few seconds and blew the expensive $150-200 jet into pieces on the first crash… then good luck putting the jig saw puzzle back together.
CreativeRCutah designs are MUCH stronger. You want proof? For example… I was flying an early design (before building 3D) and had to bring it in after only a few seconds of flight to make an adjustment to the control horns, and take a look at the following video of a rough, high speed crash (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxXY4us2hw4&list=UUECxVji_rWw24T0YArId--w) and the following video after the adjustment was made, where I continued to fly the jet without any repairs! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_5ZAb1MhVA&list=UUECxVji_rWw24T0YArId--w).
And here is a crash with the new F-22 design that would have broken most other airframes into pieces, but I walked away with no damage!
If you do end up crashing hard enough to cause damage, a piece of duct tape does just fine, or build the entire plane again with only $4 of supplies. Also, these are tough enough that carbon fiber spars are not necessary, and I didn’t use them even for my fastest power set up in any of these videos.
Also, in regards to strength... all of my designs (except for the PowerGlider, VTO, and D-16 due to the large wingspans) are strong enough that they do not require carbon fiber spars. The PowerGlider, VTO, and D-16 have a simple wooden spar that is built into the foam for added strength... I picked up the wooden spar at a local hobby shop for $1.79 and the spar can be removed and switched over to other designs.... and I have also used a paint stir. The strength of my designs save you money as other designs require carbon fiber which is usually glued into place and is not easily reusable.
3) Easy to build. With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, you can put this together in only a few hours. I have built other aircraft which are more "Scale", and look better, but take much more time, and that is not what you want as a beginner, you want to be able to make a few attempts (or errors) consecutively, with minimal time in repairs, if at all, and no time having to rebuild complicated airframes... you just need to be able to get the hang of it. With the purchase of my plans, you get detailed written instructions with photos and support…written instructions which are NOT in broken English, and YouTube video instructions coming soon.
You can also elect to only build a basic, affordable, version without paint or other expenses, learn the ropes, and then spend more time and money making it look nice!
4) Good for beginners. With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, the jet is easy to fly, yet no sacrifice in fun. The most difficult thing for beginners to get the hang of in flying RC Jets is how touchy the sticks are… you barely move the stick in one direction and you have flipped the jet upside down, then you go to pull up, and you nose dive into the ground before you even know what you have done wrong because the jet rolls so fast. Trust me, this is the case with every single store bought jet I have purchased… you have to be able to "tune down" the sensitivity through an expensive transmitter by programming the "expo" and/or "dual rates"... all of which can be very confusing and intimidating for a beginner. With CreativeRCutah, you can use one of the most affordable transmitters availabe (about $26.99, including the receiver) and still fly with ease, just as I have done with the F-15 Eagle in the videos.
The only exception to a store bought plane that wasn't so sensitive that I have ever flown was a slow, and therefore, not as much fun, glider-trainer… which was nice to learn on but I still felt the urge to try satisfy my itch and fly a jet again... learned the same lesson all over again... it almost seems to me like they want you to crash! With my basic setup and instruction, you can limit the roll but still have plenty of ability to make tight turns and loops but you limit the probability of crashing due to beginners having “lead thumbs” or being way to heavy on the sticks. As you get better, you can make very simple modifications to make it more acrobatic by adding ailerons and rudders. The F-22 and F-15 are very fast and very fun to fly. I used RCSpeedo and verified the top speed of the F-15 on a 3s battery at 78mph, and I haven't verified the speed of the F-22 with a 4s yet, but it is even faster. However, for a true beginner, speed can mean trouble. You can fly at slower speeds, or even get used to a simple 3 channel setup (throttle, elevator, and rudder) with the PowerGlider, then upgrade and add Ailerons, then when you feel ready, build your jets. The PowerGlider is a great starting point, but also can still keep you engaged as you play around with flight video recording and FPV.
5) Easily switch electronics over to a new jet design, or to a rebuilt airframe due to a crash.... 90% of the costs are in the electronics, so buy the electronics once and it will last you a long time... which is much better than buying a $200 store bought jet, crashing it, then having to buy a new fuselage for $25 (compared to $3), finding the parts are never in stock and then ending up buying another plane all together. This is the much more affordable way to get into this hobby with a lot less frustration. I have also developed swappabe motor mounts included with the instructions to let you play with, compare, and have fun trying out different power setups!
6) Variety of Power Setups: With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, the plans are compatible for a variety of power setups. My instructions will offer a good idea of how much thrust you will need, and you can build it with a light weight or heavy weight setup, a Propeller vs. EDF (Electric Ducted Fan) setup, etc. the decision is yours.
7) Have fun with Creativity: With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, you will enjoy building, painting, adding decals, decorating, and designing your own jets! Watch them come together and enjoy the satisfaction that comes with watching a project go from beginning to end! It is a blast! And unlike Depron foam jets, you don't have to buy expensive foam safe paint because you can use permanent marker to decorate your jets, as I have done with the green flames on the F-22.
8) Modifications: With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet, I have successfully modified them with the ability to drop things (paper airplanes, Army Parachute Guy, bombs, snap its, paint balls, etc.) from the sky, I have added things such as on board cameras, and last of all, my plans specifically make it easier than other online plans for scratch builds to add landing gear to a Pusher/propeller driven Jet. If you have questions, or want to see videos of any of these modifications, contact me.
The basic F-22 and F-15 fly with Elevons (combination of Elevators and Ailerons with the onboard mixer) which means you only need 2 servos, and is cost effective, and also easier to fly for beginners… and then when you are ready to upgrade and add Aileron flaps, rudders, etc. simply cut the flaps into the wings/vertical stabilizers and add a control rod to the same servos (except for rudders)… still cost effective.
Please text, call, or email for questions, or to make arrangements to purchase. I promise you will not regret it!
Last of all… more designs are in the works, such as F-16 (being designed to be the best option for an EDF) F-35, F-18, PowerGlider, mini glider, and so on. You can not go wrong With creativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet!