scratch built rc jet

Plans via PDF: How it works:
CreativeRCutah, scratch built rc jet: Here is a quick rundown of how the process works. Please subscribe to my youtube channel, and then send me an email through my youtube channel contact email, and I will email over to you the following files and you can get started at your leisure:
The Tiled PDF plans for the F-15 and F-22 Jets (and/or any other plans that are ready to go) so that you can print them from your home computer, cut out the patterns, and store the patterns (both electronic and physical copies) for future builds or repairs.
Build instructions - Word document that explains the entire process to build the jets. These instructions are detailed... probably even TOO detailed... more experienced builders/flyers may use the ctrl+F function on their keyboard to find particular steps in the build, while beginners will appreciate the step by step walk through. There are many photo's taken to help visualize the build process as well. Youtube/video build instructions coming soon.
Master Parts List - Excel spreadsheet with parts/electronics/hardware suggestions, as well as a list of a few different retailers where you can find most hobby items and/or electronics for an affordable cost, and a lot of them offer free shipping!
Please keep in mind, many of the electronics/parts/items needed (including motor, esc, prop, servos, control horns, battery, battery charger, transmitter, receiver, control rods, etc.) to get started come with enough quantity for multiple jets and/or can be re-used on future jets. Get the plans, buy your parts, build a jet, and repeat... you can re-use the parts over and over. Scratch building is the affordable way to do this!